
Casper is a beautiful ginger tomcat who was born in my house on 1 Juli 1999 and has grown up here. He is such a gentle mama’s boy that his mum nursed him until he was 14 months old. .

Casper loves to spy birds through the window on the feeding platform. Most of all, he loves to lie on a willing lap and get stroked on his tummy.

Foto van Casper in de tuin

His biggest hobbies are sunbathing and eating and he adores Loes’s grooming sessions.

Foto van Casper met LoesFoto van Casper de zon aanbidder

Occasionally, he will correct Merlijn and Lucie with a swat from his paw when their playing is to boisterous. He will then have this look on his face “leave your old dad alone!”.

Casper is a cat that can put a spell you just by looking at him.

Foto van Caspers betoverende blik

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